How to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy

How to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy

In this article we will look at how to cope with stress during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be an exciting happy time. It can be very fulfilling to know that your baby is growing within you, and you can look forward to meeting your baby.

However, pregnancy can also be a stressful time.

The rest of your life doesn’t stop when you’re expecting, and so you could still be dealing with stress from work, family, concerns about your baby and pregnancy worries, or stress from other factors.

Too much stress is bad for you both physically and mentally.

You may not be able to eliminate stress completely from your life, but you can learn to cope with stress.

How to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy


how to cope with stress during pregnancyYoga is a unique combination of exercise, stresses, and breathing that focuses not just on keeping fit, but on overall health and well-being. It is as focused on releasing stress and tension as it is on burning calories.

Exercise on its own is known to help combat stress, and yoga is the ultimate example of this. There are special antenatal yoga classes specifically tailored for pregnant women, or it may be offered in conjunction with birth classes.

Check out our article on the 8 benefits of yoga.

You Time

When you are pregnant, it can sometimes seem as though you cease to exist as a person and are just a baby-maker.

People tend to talk to you about your pregnancy rather than anything else, and it does affect your life on a daily basis. So you may be a bit neglected. I know that I, especially during the first trimester, felt very tired, and so most of my hobbies were neglected in favor of sleep.

If you’re feeling stressed, schedule in some time for you. It doesn’t matter if it’s just ten minutes a day. Make some time that is just for you as you… not as a mother-to-be.

You can use this time for whatever you want. Paint your nails; read a book; watch your favorite TV show; draw a picture; go for a stroll.

It’s not important what you do as long as it is something that is special and fulfilling for you. Just making a little time for yourself will help you cope with stress during pregnancy.


pregnancy yogaDuring pregnancy, your relationship with your partner can change. You’re about to have a baby, and naturally that will affect you both. Also, you may not be feeling your best and confidence may be waning.

Make time for romance. It is important that you are not just co-parents, but a happy couple as well. Howard W. Hunter taught that, ‘One of the greatest things a father can do for his children is to love their mother’. If you are happy together, you will be happier individuals, and make better parents.

Make time for romance. Go on dates. Date at home. Take time to talk to each other. Make sure that romance and intimacy are still a part of your life while you’re pregnant…and your stress levels will drop. Honestly. It’s hard to feel stressed when you’re being pampered by your loving partner.


Whether you’re pregnant or not, sleep is an under-rated commodity. Being tired makes everyone more irritable and more easily stressed.

During pregnancy, you will probably need more sleep than normal, because your body is busy taking care of your growing baby.

If you’re feeling stressed, try taking a nap or going to bed early. Just getting more rest really can help.

Your problems won’t go away, but they will seem more manageable after a good night’s sleep.

Other Methods to Cope with Pregnancy Stress

  • Eat regularly and nutritiously
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarette smoking, or drugs
  • Don’t think about stress
  • Avoid negative responses to stress
  • Ask for help
  • Play music
  • Take a long bath
  • Get out into nature
  • Watch a feel-good movie
  • Meditate

How to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy- Conclusion

You can’t eliminate every source of stress from your life when you’re pregnant. However, you can follow these tips to help you cope with stress during pregnancy.