Men Asking Labor and Delivery Questions of the OB-GYN

There are a multitude of different places where people can get bogged down, or concerned, during the pregnancy process with possible unexpected events. A woman going through pregnancy needs the full support of her partner in the process. A man asking labor and delivery questions of the OB-GYN, not only keeps him in tune with what is to be expected, but his interest in the pregnancy, labor and delivery process provides comforting support for his partner

Asking Labor and Delivery Questions

It is usual to have as many as ten appointments with the OB-GYN during pregnancy. During these appointments, the doctor will do the usual checks and explain what to expect.

It is important for the man to attend as many appointments as he can. By doing so he will also know the process and she will be appreciative that he shares the responsibility of understanding the details of birthing.

Asking Labor and Delivery QuestionsAt some point the doctor will ask, “Any questions?”

Use this as an opportunity to find out more, preparing both man and partner for labor and delivery. For the man, it is the perfect time to get involved. By doing the asking, he takes on a shared responsibility, which will prove to be helpful when the time comes for the baby to arrive.

The doctor will give lots of information. It is important for the man to commit what he learns to memory and reassure his partner that he understands the process and knows what will be done when the baby is ready to be delivered regardless of whether the doctor is present or not.

Labor and Delivery Questions to Ask

Time to go to the hospital

  • How will we know that our baby is coming?
  • How will we know that labor pains have begun?
  • What should we do if her water breaks or there is a bloody discharge from vagina?
  • What if she doesn’t get labor pains?
  • What should we watch for in the case of an emergency?


  • What pain can she expect?
  • What can we do to help minimize pain?
  • What are the options for pain relief?
  • What is an epidural? What are the risks?
  • Can she eat or drink?
  • How much time will it take to deliver once labor pains have begun?
  • What happens if you are not available for the delivery?
  • What are our chances of a normal delivery?
  • Who can come in the labor room?

Stay in Hospital

  • How many days will my partner need to stay in hospital?
  • Can someone from our family stay with her in the hospital?
  • What kind of clothes will she need?
  • What do we need to bring for the baby?
  • Is cord blood storage an option?
  • How long will our baby need to stay in the hospital?
  • When should breast feeding begin?
  • What if she doesn’t produce enough milk?
  • Do I need to bring a car seat?


  • If there are complications, will we be transferred to another hospital?
  • Are there any factors surrounding her pregnancy and general health that could impact the birth?

What if Your Usual Doctor is Not There For The Delivery?

One of the scariest moments for a woman during pregnancy is when she realizes that her doctor is not on call and will not be delivering her baby.

This can be emotionally shattering for the woman, but men must remain composed and remind their partners of the process that is in place.

The truth for most deliveries is that the doctor is frequently not even in the room for a good majority of the labor (and sometimes even the delivery).

Nurses will be attending to the birth. Likely you will not know them. Understanding the process explained by the doctor and the needs of the mom, will ensure everyone stays calm.

The man can explain to his partner that this is important to him as well and that he has prepared for this situation.  He can take charge and talk to the nurses about what his partner needs, make the process as easy as possible.


Pregnancy, and bringing into this world a baby, is a very special time for all. A man fully immersed in the process and supporting his partner, will build a strong bond for the whole family.